Doctrine and Covenants 4:2-3

"Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;" (Doctrine and Covenants 4:2-3)

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

August 20, 2018

Hola Family and Friends!

This week has been very interesting. Haha!

I played Red light Green light with a very big dog, not a game I would suggest. Haha. We went clapping at a house and a dog came running out with its chain broken and started growling and was a foot away from  my  companion and we just moved our hands slightly and it jumped at us to an inch away I wish I was being dramatic but we just stood still for 3 minutes and it sniffed our ankles and barked and then when it wasn’t looking we just back away very slowly. I cried. Haha! So scary. But it’s nothing some ice cream can’t fix! 

Oh, I have also become very inventive! The bathroom has no room to put your clean clothes, so I took two wire hangers and I bent them a little crazy and now I hang my clothes up for my shower then they don’t get wet and gross. Haha! Whoot whoot clean clothes! 

I made muddy buddies this week and pancakes. It has gotten around that I like to cook so I have been asked for next P day when we go to the hill to make Pancakes! I also made with my companion today Empanadas!! Yum Yum! And she makes tortillas. Oh so good! I need to work out more because of all this cooking. Haha. 

Okay for the spiritual side of my week. I am having some struggles adjusting but I decided this week to study Christ like attributes and mark up my scriptures. In doing so I have learned a lot about love and charity but also hope and knowledge and I got this feeling of that I need to pray for joy and my days because they are so limited here. I thought it was funny but since I have started praying for joy I have felt the like I can do this that a mission is like what my friend Elder Brown said in the CCM that we look forward to it for eternity and we look back at it for eternity, but we only have a year in a half to experience it. We taught a family and the spirit was so strong it was so beautiful we talked about the blessings of temples and it was crazy I spoke in Spanish through the Holy Ghost because I know it wasn’t me it was a way cool experience! 

I hope you all are having a great week love you all!

Hermana Dunn!

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April 1, 2019

Hola,  It's been forever! How is everyone doing?   I guess I'll just summarize how life has been.  Now we get to talk with ...