Doctrine and Covenants 4:2-3

"Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;" (Doctrine and Covenants 4:2-3)

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

October 22, 2018


This week has had its ups and its downs! The downs are a bit literal. We were walking, and we scheduled an appointment to meet with a lady who is interested in our message and then I was writing down the number for the house and I stepped in the sewer!! Gross... haha!  It was so funny and sad. It was like the movie “The Pacifier”.  Then my companion was walking up the steps and just says oh no and falls right to the ground like a turtle.  Oh, my heavens!  It was a hoot!  I started laughing so hard I was crying, and she was laughing too that the house we were in front of helped my companion up... (I was unable to from my laughter) Then 5 min later my companion was explaining what happened and she falls again only this time down some stairs. Hahahahahahaha! I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard in my life. She was laughing too but oh my heavens, I think we were just really tired.  So those are the downs. Haha! 

Let’s get to the ups. We have a new person interested in the gospel! His name is Diego! He went to church and he has a friend who is a member as well.  He has a bunch of great questions for us! We also had interviews with President And I got permission to go running in the morning.  I cannot wait!  

I also got a letter form Sister Ward and Brother Strode! It’s good to hear from you all back home! 

We met with a recent convert her name is Angelica!  She is so sweet. We were able to share parts of Conference with her!  

We also did a white out in the Elders area that is where all the missionaries in the district go to one area for the morning to help our elders who are struggling to find people to teach. It was a really cool experience and it is very humbling to see other parts of Argentina. 

I Love this mission. The people here are just the sweetest and they love to share stories. It’s so awesome now that I can finally understand what they are saying.  I can finally communicate! 

I Hope everyone has had a great week!! 

Love you all!

Hermana DUNN!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

October 15, 2018


Where to even start I’m thinking this letter today it going to be everywhere so hold your horses. 

Okay, on the topic of horses there are horses and buggies everywhere and I thought they were like the ones in New York where you pay for a ride. Haha!  No.  They are what the people use to get around its actually pretty cool to see real horse power.  Haha!  

A family we have a fecha for baptism has so many questions about the gospel we spent 2 hours trying to explain them. We also got invited to the ward council.  This is huge!  At ward council we were able to get help for our progressing personas as well as know what families in the ward we can help.  It was really good. Also, we had a contact this week where we just talked about the church really briefly and he said he was going to go to church which is what people say then they forget to go but he went!! It was so exciting we had 2 people that we are teaching the gospel to at church! 

Okay really quick the weather here is crazy, and I mean that haha!  It’s so funny one day we are sweating and the other day we are so cold we have big coats on.  The best weather is when it rains because this means the tile outside is like an ice rink. Haha! Oh man it’s so slippery but it’s so fun. 

Also, some reasons why people can’t talk with us are the best my favorite so far has been I can’t talk my noodles are burning... I was quite concerned for this one. Haha! I don’t know how to burn noodles, but he seemed pretty concerned. Haha! But even if there are those who say no, we just think they are not ready to hear our message and we always get on the path of people to teach and serve. Like the other day there was a frail old lady I’m thinking in the 90s and she was trying to cross a road. Oh, my heavens! So, I ran over and held her hand across. I think missionary work isn’t just knocking at doors.  Its honestly helping the people in whatever way we can to make their life a little bit happier. 

I have been reading The Book of Mormon and have had the opportunity to mark where it mentions Christ.  The color I have chosen is yellow because Christ is the light in my life and we can share this light with others through kind works and deeds not just teaching a lesson.  

I’m going to challenge everyone who reads this to find someone they can serve it doesn’t have to be big or small or someone you know just help someone else feel the love our Savior has for us through charity because charity is the pure love of Christ.  

I also had an experience yesterday where we had a lesson with a lady who can’t read and her daughter about the Plan of Salvation or the Plan of Happiness. and as we were explaining that we can have our family for forever through this great plan we asked the little girl 11 if she would pray to know it’s true.  She started to pray and I got this warm feeling and this feeling happens for her I think it was her first time ever talking to her Heavenly Father. It was very special. She and her mother started to cry it was just a really sweet moment. 

Okay, sorry my mind is everywhere my companion has a birthday tomorrow and so today we went to a park with other missionaries and had food and played games.  I found a tree I could hang from.  It was awesome.  Then I had to run here to email. Haha!  I ran like 10 blocks and that’s a lot of running after not running. Oh, how I miss running but that’s okay I will be good at cardio again! I am determined. Haha!
I hope everyone has a great week I will try to upload photos if not this week I will for next week! 

love you all!!
Have a great week!
Hermana Dunn

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

October 8, 2018


This week we had a lesson on the priesthood with a family that attending church. We talked about how the priesthood is authority from God and its importance when we are baptized. We also got a baptismal date. Whoot Whoot! I’m so excited to help others feel Christ love and be able to follow Christ in baptism! 

This week we had a Zone Conference it was way good. And then we watched General Conference this weekend. I was blessed to be able to watch it in English. It was awesome to hear the words of out Prophet and leaders in the church one of my favorite things that was said is David A. Bednar said, "Christ is the light and life of the world in Him we find Joy." I believe this to be true. There are times on a mission that are hard but there are times on a mission that are exciting like helping others draw closer to our Savior and our God but in all the events that happen whether sad or happy we can always find Joy in Christ. No matter young or old, educated or not there is always Joy in speaking of learning and talking about Christ and his life. 

This conference I was also able to make bread work and cooked zucchini bread for the missionaries for conference. Haha! Watching conference made me feel at home even if I am 1000 miles away. I also got a package from my parents for Halloween. I was so excited! My very hot Spring will still feel like Halloween! 

I love you all and hope everyone if having a good week!

Love you! 
Hermana Dunn

Link to David A. Bednar talk:

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

October 1, 2018

BATS for October!

Oh, my heavens this week where to even begin! 

I guess to start I was cooking with my companion and I walk into our living room and I see a bat flying towards me I scream so loud and my companion is confused, and the bat hits the wall (I think from my scream I scared the bat haha) and falls to the floor. I’m yelling bat and my companion is like “What is bat?” and I point to it on the ground.  The next thing I hear is her screaming and running to get the broom. Then I open the door and my companion while screaming sweeps the bat into the hall.  Throwing the broom and the bat into the hall of the apartment and shuts the door. I’m laughing because this is a super condensed version of all the screaming. Oh man was it funny and scary at the same time. 

Oh, another animal experience from this week we went knocking at a house of an investigator and their grandma answers she opens the door to invite us in.  Then one of her dogs’ bolts and she runs after it my companion and I just look at each other like oh no. So, we stay and watch her other dog while she is chasing one. Don’t worry though the dog is safe in the cassa she caught it. Before the other dog could run off I picked him up. I guess if you pick up a dog in Argentina all of a sudden you are there best friend.  When we finally had a chance to sit down and talk to the grandmother the dog hopped on my lap haha. The grandma is way cool we were telling her about how we are talking with her grandson and he needs permission to be baptized because he is only 17 and that he also needs to go to church. She looked at us and said oh he’s going to go to church.  I’ll take him with me to your church. WOW okay awesome! 

On the same topic of Church we had the primary program and it was so cute! The family we have investigating the church came again.  This time instead of jeans to our surprise the husband was wearing a suit and the wife was wearing a dress with a jacket because that was modest. Their kids where in white shirts! Oh, my heavens it was soo cool! We met with this family earlier in the week and they told us they had a great experience with the church on Sunday. They said that they loved how when they were singing the hymns they felt good and they loved how the music wasn’t rock music. They also reassured us that they like rock music. Which I thought was cute but they said they like the hymns for church because it makes their heart feel different and they can feel Gods love for them! We also invited them to start reading the Book of Mormon every day. They were like yeah we are already doing that and they started quoting scriptures from 2 Nephi! Wowowow! It’s so good! This Sunday their son said he wanted to do FHE (Family Home Evening). This is where the family gets together, and you share a scripture as a family to discuss a gospel topic such as “Christ like love” or “kindness”. A member from the ward gave them a booklet and was really helping them out and told us he wants to come with us to the lessons we have with this family! Also during gospel principles we were talking about how we believe that families can be together forever and this is done in the temple and Family Abdala our investigators eyes lit up and they really wanted to know how they could have that blessing in their lives! Then our teacher hit all the points we did early in the week reemphasizing the importance or faith in Jesus Christ repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end. Oh, it was so good. 

Other thoughts for this week. We had lunch at a family’s house from the Ward and there little boy was so cute he had a shoe box he colored green for a soccer stadium and had a white cap for a soccer ball. Then he had mini erasers for the soccer players from Argentina.  Oh, it was so cute! He was cheering for his team and he had a little ref.  Then he turned on to YouTube and was watching clips from a soccer game in the past and was screaming and cheering.  It was so cute!  I think this 7 year old is the biggest soccer fan ever. 

Oh, my heavens this is really funny!  So my companion was wearing a long skirt and we were walking and this little girl says hi to me so I wave hi from across the street. Then she turns to her mom and says mom it’s a Gipsy pointing to my companion haha. It was so funny. Anyway, this week has been good I hope everyone is having a good week! 

Love you all! 
Hermana DUNN

April 1, 2019

Hola,  It's been forever! How is everyone doing?   I guess I'll just summarize how life has been.  Now we get to talk with ...