Doctrine and Covenants 4:2-3

"Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;" (Doctrine and Covenants 4:2-3)

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

October 15, 2018


Where to even start I’m thinking this letter today it going to be everywhere so hold your horses. 

Okay, on the topic of horses there are horses and buggies everywhere and I thought they were like the ones in New York where you pay for a ride. Haha!  No.  They are what the people use to get around its actually pretty cool to see real horse power.  Haha!  

A family we have a fecha for baptism has so many questions about the gospel we spent 2 hours trying to explain them. We also got invited to the ward council.  This is huge!  At ward council we were able to get help for our progressing personas as well as know what families in the ward we can help.  It was really good. Also, we had a contact this week where we just talked about the church really briefly and he said he was going to go to church which is what people say then they forget to go but he went!! It was so exciting we had 2 people that we are teaching the gospel to at church! 

Okay really quick the weather here is crazy, and I mean that haha!  It’s so funny one day we are sweating and the other day we are so cold we have big coats on.  The best weather is when it rains because this means the tile outside is like an ice rink. Haha! Oh man it’s so slippery but it’s so fun. 

Also, some reasons why people can’t talk with us are the best my favorite so far has been I can’t talk my noodles are burning... I was quite concerned for this one. Haha! I don’t know how to burn noodles, but he seemed pretty concerned. Haha! But even if there are those who say no, we just think they are not ready to hear our message and we always get on the path of people to teach and serve. Like the other day there was a frail old lady I’m thinking in the 90s and she was trying to cross a road. Oh, my heavens! So, I ran over and held her hand across. I think missionary work isn’t just knocking at doors.  Its honestly helping the people in whatever way we can to make their life a little bit happier. 

I have been reading The Book of Mormon and have had the opportunity to mark where it mentions Christ.  The color I have chosen is yellow because Christ is the light in my life and we can share this light with others through kind works and deeds not just teaching a lesson.  

I’m going to challenge everyone who reads this to find someone they can serve it doesn’t have to be big or small or someone you know just help someone else feel the love our Savior has for us through charity because charity is the pure love of Christ.  

I also had an experience yesterday where we had a lesson with a lady who can’t read and her daughter about the Plan of Salvation or the Plan of Happiness. and as we were explaining that we can have our family for forever through this great plan we asked the little girl 11 if she would pray to know it’s true.  She started to pray and I got this warm feeling and this feeling happens for her I think it was her first time ever talking to her Heavenly Father. It was very special. She and her mother started to cry it was just a really sweet moment. 

Okay, sorry my mind is everywhere my companion has a birthday tomorrow and so today we went to a park with other missionaries and had food and played games.  I found a tree I could hang from.  It was awesome.  Then I had to run here to email. Haha!  I ran like 10 blocks and that’s a lot of running after not running. Oh, how I miss running but that’s okay I will be good at cardio again! I am determined. Haha!
I hope everyone has a great week I will try to upload photos if not this week I will for next week! 

love you all!!
Have a great week!
Hermana Dunn

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April 1, 2019

Hola,  It's been forever! How is everyone doing?   I guess I'll just summarize how life has been.  Now we get to talk with ...